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Year 3

Homework Expectations - Year 3


Each week children in year 3 are expected to:-

Read 5 times and record this in the reading records

Practise their weekly spellings ready for a test on Friday

Practise their times tables 



It is expected that each child reads at least 5 times each week. Children can read any book, comic, newspaper or  E book that they wish. Please sign their reading record book and return to school each day. All books will be checked and teacher will keep a record of those reading regularly at home.



Times tables should be practised each week for a test on Friday. By the end of year 4 it is expected that children will know all times tables up to 12 x 12, so we are encouraging children to use TTRS to practise all times tables although their teachers will give them specific ones each week. 



Spellings will be given out on a Monday and the children tested on a Friday. Currently year 3 are revising phonics so words given to learn come from the phonics scheme we are using. Some children may be asked to read e books based on the words covered in phonic lessons. Copies of the spellings given will also be sent out via Marvellous Me.


Optional curriculum Homework 

In addition, children are also given the opportunity to complete curriculum homework. At the start of each new topic, a list of activities will be given to the children and can be completed throughout the term. This is optional homework and can be brought in at any time. 
