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At Padnell Junior we aim for PE to be taught for two hours a week alongside the recommendation of being active for 60 minutes a day. Within indoor PE and outside games sessions we provide opportunities for children to become physically competent and confident in a range of activities in a way that supports their health, fitness and enjoyment. 

The scheme we use is 'Get Set 4 PE',  which is a progressive scheme designed to be inclusive for all and meet the standards and requirements of the national curriculum. 

In addition, we are part of the local schools partnership; this enables us to take small groups of pupils from all year groups to participate in sports or activities that they may not ordinarily have the opportunity to do so. With our new minibus we hope to be able to take part in even more of these activities helping us to maintain out Gold Standard for PE awarded by the Partnership. 

Pupils also have the opportunity to join in lunchtime or after school clubs ran by members of staff throughout the year. 
