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Special Educational Needs (SEND)

Following a meeting between a group of parents and our Senco, we will be updating this section of the website during the next few weeks to improve the information contained and also make it easier to find specific information

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


At Padnell Junior School we believe that children with special educational needs or disabilities should have equal access to high quality, rich and memorable learning experiences and a broad and balanced curriculum. For the majority of children this will be provided through high quality teaching within the classroom with learning differentiated to meet their needs.

However, we are aware that at different times, and for a variety of reasons, some children will require further help, additional to that which they receive in the classroom, in order to support their learning, communication, interaction or social development. These children will be identified as having a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) and placed on our special educational needs register.

All staff are committed to our STARS values and removing barriers in order for individual pupils to progress and show their unique skills and qualities. We recognise and value the contributions parents, carers and pupils make and will strive to always involve them at each stage of the learning journey. Our dedicated team of Learning Support Assistants support class teachers to ensure that learning is accessible to all and work with children under the direction of their teacher. This can involve working within the classroom as an inclusive part of the learning, outside of the lesson for a short time focusing on identified difficulties or as part of a planned intervention.

For further information please refer to our SEND information report or our Special Educational Needs Policy.

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, Mrs Carol Bloy, will be happy to answer any questions and can be contacted via the school office or by telephone on 02392252752.

ELSA Information


We are very fortunate to have an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant, (ELSA) to work with the school to help support the emotional needs of the children. Our ELSA, Mrs Wilson is trained to plan and deliver programmes of support to children who may be experiencing temporary or long term additional emotional needs such as social skills, bereavement, self esteem or friendship needs. For nearly all children Elsa support will be a short block of work where the pupil meets with Mrs Wilson weekly for between 6 – 8 weeks. Most of these sessions are individual but paired or small group sessions can also be highly effective, particularly with difficulties surrounding transition. For more information please contact Mrs Bloy through the school office.
