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School Council

At Padnell Junior School we believe that every pupil in the school is able to voice their opinions and make a valuable contribution to improving the school for all stakeholders. Therefore the role of school councillor is an extremely important role in the school and one which is respected by our school community.


Each September elections are held to select the class representative for the school council. Children who are interested in the role make a short presentation to their class and then elections are held. 


The team then work alongside Miss Pearcey during regular meetings to collect and discuss the views of their class mates and work with SLT or Governors as required. 



 "As you can see from our notice board, the school council have been very busy this year! We have tried out some different ideas such as litter picking, swapping playgrounds some lunchtimes, and play buddies helping out the Infant School at lunchtimes too. Some of these have been very successful and will hopefully be running again next year. The school councillors have also been very proactive and eager to take on responsibilities around the school, such as helping run stalls for our Christmas Fair and running lunchtime competitions to raise money. Some of this money has gone towards charities, and other fundraising has brought in visitors and experiences for their fellow pupils - in Science Week, we raised money to book a Scientist to deliver an assembly and show us some experiments and demonstrations! The school council has also been active in the local community, gathering ideas for improvements to the local play park, which the school fed back to Havant Council. Recently, the school council has partnered with the new PTFA and compiled lists of ideas from the pupils for fundraising goals and ideas for next year. I would like to thank this year's school councillors for all their hard work, and I am looking forward to seeing who is elected next year, and the ideas they have for our school!" 
