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Year 5

Year 5 Homework


  • Maths homework is set by the child’s Maths teacher and will usually be based on something they are learning in class. It may also be based on a skill that the teacher has noticed that the class need extra practise with.
  • Maths homework will be set using MyMaths so the children will need access to a computer or laptop. If you do not have access, please contact the school office who can support you with this.
  • Children must also practise their times tables, including using TTRS.


  • It is expected that each child reads at least 5 times each week and signed by an adult.
  • Reading records will be checked on a Thursday morning in school.
  • Teachers will keep a record of who is reading regularly at home.
  • Children can read any book, comic, newspaper etc that they wish.


  • Spellings will be set by the child’s English teacher. Homework will focus on a spelling rule, which should be completed in the children’s red English Homework book.
  • Spellings are given to the children and a copy will be sent out on Marvellous Me.

Homework will be marked in class with the children on a Friday so it is important that the children have their homework books in school by then.

In addition, children will have the opportunity to complete optional curriculum homework. At the start of each new topic a list of suggested activities will be given to the children and can be completed throughout the term. This is optional homework and can be brought in at any time.  

Here are some helpful websites to support your learning at home.

Thank you

Year 5 Team

Optional Curriculum Homework Grids