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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Grant

The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) was first introduced in 2011 by the Department for Education. It is additional funding provided to schools and is based on the number of children in the following categories

  • Children who are currently eligible for Free school Meals (FSM)
  • Children who were or are registered as eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (FSM/Ever 6)
  • Children who have been looked after immediately before being adopted or placed on special guardianship or residence order immediately after being looked after (Post LAC) There is a separate fund for those who are currently identified as “Looked after” and this is paid termly
  • Children from service families where one parent is currently serving in the regular armed forces or if they have been registered as a service child in the last six years also generate a funding premium.

The PPG is funding to improve the education outcomes and tackle underlying inequalities for disadvantaged pupils, as evidence shows that these children may face additional challenges and may not perform as well as other pupils. It is for schools to decide how the PPG is spent as they can identify underachievement and inequalities. Whilst we recognise that the funding is generated by the identified groups of pupils, we also recognise that not all of these pupils are underachieving and that some pupils who are not eligible will be underachieving so we will use the PPG to support any pupils or groups of pupils that we identify as underachieving.

Pupil Premium Overview